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The only national association of family focused treatment programs

FFTA’s membership of nearly 500 agencies vary in scope and size and provides treatment family care services to over 50,000 children and youth each year and a larger array of child welfare and mental health services to over 600,000 children and youth. FFTA members believe that the family is an integral component of a treatment team and are committed to maximizing a child’s chance to heal and thrive with the support of family- and community-based services.

The Family Focused Treatment Association (FFTA) was established in 1988 by treatment foster care professionals to define and refine the treatment foster care model. FFTA is the leading advocate for the development, evaluation, recognition, and funding of treatment foster care.

The mission of FFTA is to strengthen agencies that provide family focused treatment services. FFTA achieves this mission by:

  • Promoting program standards for treatment family care
  • Encouraging research and evaluation in the field
  • Providing technical assistance
  • Creating professional development opportunities
  • Monitoring and advocating for legislation that improves access to services by children and youth in treatment family care

As the only North American association for family focused treatment programs, FFTA provides a unique forum for professionals to access practical resources, share best practices, network with innovative professionals in the field, and advocate for treatment family care locally and nationally.

Join FFTA and its members in creating positive outcomes, permanent families, and lifelong connections for children and youth in out-of-home care.

For more information about becoming a member at FFTA please contact Joshua Gacek - (201) 343-2246 or

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