Market your organizations products and services to a national network of over 700 child welfare agency CEOs, executive staff, program directors, trainers and other decision makers. Past exhibitions have included technology firms, child welfare
organizations, promotional product vendors, accrediting organizations, insurance companies, training and consulting organizations.
What are the benefits of exhibiting?
- Cost-effective Investment – Meet face-to-face with qualified prospects and key decision-makers
- Prominently Featured in the Conference App – Booth traffic is encouraged through strategic use of our popular conference app.
- Steady Traffic – All workshop breaks are held in the exhibit area.
- Personal Interaction – Demonstrate how your products can enhance an agency's services and operating efficiencies. (All conference attendees are encouraged to visit each exhibitor via event app innovation to qualify for an
FFTA raffle prize.)
- Immediate Contacts – Renew old contacts and generate new leads. Our event app will make sharing new contact information a breeze.
- Extended Exposure – Your exhibit booth includes a spot in our on-demand virtual platform - accessible to attendees long after the conference ends.
- Admission to Events – One exhibitor staff member may attend all “basic registration” conference meals and workshop sessions
Exhibitor Rates:
Members: $1,075
Non-Members: $1,350
The exhibit booth registration includes 1 complimentary full conference registration and 1 exhibit hall-only booth attendant registration at no cost. Both booth representatives must register as FFTA 39th Annual
Conference attendees. Any additional booth attendants must register and pay as full conference registrants.